Techniques |
Rank 1 |
Riding in Harmony |
Her fiery ancestral blood yearning to be free, the Battle-Maiden is one with Otaku when riding, preferably fast. Whenever the Battle-Maiden makes a skill roll while mounted, she may keep an extra die. |
Rank 2 |
The Void of War |
The Battle-Maiden has learned to strike first, and strike hard. After everyone rolls for initiative, the Battle-Maiden may switch the values of her initiative roll and her TN to be hit for the rest of the combat round. |
Rank 1 (magistrate) |
Chasing the Wind |
The magistrate is driven by the righteousness of her cause. When facing an opponent (in skirmish or duel) with an Honor rank of less than 2, she will keep an extra die for both attack and damage rolls. |