Dorm sweet dorm
(~Fall Quarter, 1998)
Here it is....
The Funky Birthday Present My Brother Gave Me Which Is Really Cool
Which is hard to describe, but is, obviously, very cool.
(This page also contains the contents of my Terry dorm room: 1998-2000)
From the front, it looks, well, strange. I saw it and said "what the fuck...?"
This can naturally be assumed to be something that scared the bejeezus out of me. There's just too much there to be grasped. But open it up, and tah-dah! It's actually a CD cabinet thing doohickey. It's cool. It smells really funny in there. But it's still cool. And it's kind of sticky. But it really is cool, I swear.
As is evident from the picture, it's a box. A box covered with almost-newsprint type stuff. And all of that writing is in Japanese.

I have absolutely no idea what this says beyond the "sashie" at the beginning. As soon as I get the energy up, I'm going to crack the kanji dictionary. Note : After another year's worth at Japanese, I discover that I still don't know what that fourth character is, but that the ones after the fifth "no" mean, in order, "many," "side," and "face." I still have no idea what those bottom four are, and still have no immediate desire to go look them up.
The below has nothing to do with the Funky Thing, other than showing where it is in my room... and really, I just took the picture because I was playing with the camera. My roomw was a little bare at the time, because I didn't have any of that Tacky Stuff.