Single sweet single

(~Spring Quarter, 2000)

Here it is...

My new room.

Well, it was new. Of course, time has passed. How much? I lived here the first half of 2000. You do the math.

A view from the hall A lovely picture of my door

On the left is generally what could be seen from the hall... you can kinda see the rats-nest of cables down below my desk. And the snazzy case-less computer is a must see. On the other hand, the picture on the right is a simply lovely picture of my door, from the inside. I needed to put a poster up on dat thang. At least my dead roses and that kabuki calendar are being shown off to advantage. Yes, Kyle and Mark, those are yours. Please to be noting the stylish placement of my chopsticks among the dead flowers.

Richard in the corner The desk area

Use some perspective imagination here, and you can see a full wall of the room. That gothic stud on my bed is the oft-mentioned Richard, for anyone who was curious. Can't see him very well... too bad. The strange thing atop the speaker in the right-hand picture is a little Snoopy stuffed animal thing. It's pretty cute to the general populace, as opposed to the two gargoyles on either end of that shelf, which are cute to me.

Showing off the Christmas lights The ultra-cool calendar I got at a lecture on Kabuki theater

I do so dearly love Christmas lights. Most of the time that I was in my room, it was that light above my desk and my Christmas lights, and that did it for my illumination. They were always falling off the wall, though (so much for duct tape). On the right, just a picture of my wasted corner—a space about 2.5 ft on a side that routinely housed nothing but my two pairs of shoes (if Birkenstocks really count as a pair), that ultra ultra cool calendar, and the lightswitch. The little figure catching reddish light on the top of my monitor is the beautiful little WH40000 figurine Brian painted.

More Christmas lights A picture I didn't know Richard was taking

I didn't notice Richard taking these pictures, but oh well. Silhouettes defined: The little thing that looks like a Transformer, next to the left-hand speaker, is a EVA-00 model. A gargoyle on a well is slightly hidden behind. Dice box, little cat figurine, several little 2 dram vials with... stuff (better not ask) in them, and the hollow, hand-painted Chinese egg Lon's father brought me from China follow. Red pepper flakes, black and red pepper, second cat figurine, ram seal, silvered Erlenmeyer flask, an origami crane, a small red votive-candle thing filled with Hersheys kisses (from my mom), and my laptop gargoyle are the next things. I have many many things. Many many. I am the Queen of Things.

I look like I'm not all there

Richard was trying to blur the Christmas lights, but ended up blurring me instead. It came out as a neat picture, with my ponytail moving as I swung my head around to face him, so I decided to post it. I need to scan those pictures on the wall of me and Brian and me and Mark; there aren't many other decent, recent pictures of me lying around. I look so bright...