Usagi Bushi School: Usagi Bushi

Reprinted w/out permission from Way of the Minor Clans

Benefit: +1 Agility

Beginning Honor: 2 + 0 boxes



None given


Athletics, Defense, Kenjutsu, Jiujutsu, Hunting, Lore: Maho, any 1 High/Bugei Skill


Students who wish to begin play with the Hare bushi school must have once been Hare samurai, and automatically gain the Social Disadvantage: Ronin and Sworn Enemy (Kolat) Disadvantages, for no points.


Rank 1


At this Rank, the bushi begins to incorporate astounding feats of agility and athletics into his normal combat routine. Any maneuver that requires a leap or jump has its TN reduced by 10. The Hare could use this Technique to leap inot a fray and lower the TN of his first attack, but such a daring amneuver would certainly be considered a Full Attack. Once close combat has been joined this Technique is difficult to use offensively unless the local terrain is very uneven, allowing for jumping and capering about. If the character uses this Technique when going on Full Defense (leaping and cartwheeling frantically), they may add an additional +5 to their TN to be hit.

Rank 2


The Hare bushi who has attained this level of skill now possesss the quick wits and swift reflexes of the animal from which his clan takes their name. The bushi need not declare his intended action in a round until all other combatants have declared theirs (if multiple Hares are in the same combat, resolve among them as normal).

Rank 3


The Hare that has attained this Rank learns the Usagi's most bizarre but powerful technique. He gains an additional attack every round, but this attack must be an unarmed punch or kick. Optionally, the character may declare a "Hop." The hop requires the bushi to kick an opponent, making one raise. If successful, the bushi performs a snap kick (normal damage) and springs off of his opponent into the air. The character may then immediately perform his second attack, during which he may use his Rank 1 Technique without necessarily declaring a Full Attack. If the hop is successful, this second attack may be directed at any opponent within six feet, or even at the opponent who was originally kicked.