Mirumoto Bushi School: Mirumoto Bushi

Reprinted w/out permission from L5R RPG

Benefit: +1 any Trait

Beginning Honor: 2 + 5 boxes



(All items are of average quality)

arrows (20 any type), bow, katana, wakizashi, any 1 weapon, helm, light armor, kimono, traveling pack, 2 koku


Archery, Defense, Kenjutsu, Lore: Shugenja, Meditation, any High or Bugei skill


Rank 1


The Mirumoto School teaches bushi a radical technique that uses both the katana and the wakizashi. Because opponents have to deal with two weapons instead of one, the TN to hit an initiate of this school is raised by 5 any time he's using both weapons.

Rank 2


At this Rank, the bushi has become so attuned to his style that he may make 2 attacks per turn.

Rank 3


Unlike the bushi from other Clans, Dragon bushi are not segregated away from their shugenja kin. Because of this, Dragon bushi may spend a Void Point to aid (or hinder) spells that are targeting them, thus giving the caster a Free Raise (or raising the TN by 5).

Rank 4


The bushi has mastered the meditative "no-mind" techniques taught to him by the Mirumoto School. If this bushi's damage roll kills his opponent, that strike does not count as one of his attacks this Round, and he may attack again immediately.

Rank 5


A true master of the blade, the bushi may now make 3 attacks per Round.