Ikoma Omoidasu School: Ikoma Omoidasu

Reprinted w/out permission from Way of the Lion

Benefit: +1 Awareness

Beginning Honor: 2 + 0 boxes



None given


Bard, Calligraphy, Heraldry, History, Law, any 2 Lore skills


Ikoma Omoidasu do not learn "techniques;" instead, they gain several abilities. The bulk of these relate to their selfless place in Rokugani society. Ikoma are the great storytellers of the Empire, and spend a great deal of time seeking out samurai whose experiences they can craft into sweeping tales of honor and glory. With each new story, comes glory for the samurai involved, and honor for the bard.
In game terms, this means that the bard must seek out a patron samurai at some point during his rise through every School Rank. He begins the game having already found and made known one samurai's tale (to achieve Rank 1), which the player is encouraged to document as his character would, thus further establishing his GM's world. He must then find another before he can achieve Rank 2. This can be more complicated than it sounds, as not all great warriors wish to have their stories told, and those that do often lead the Ikoma into dangerous situations before the tale is done.
After the events of the story are done and compiled by the Ikoma, he must take them back to his daimyo and present them at formal court. This requires an Intelligence+Bard skill check with a TN equal to the samurai's Glory x5. Should this succeed, then the samurai is heralded as a hero and gains Glory Points equal to the School Rank of the bard. These points can push the samurai's Glory to the next Rank without the express permission of his daimyo (though it would be a rare instance for a daimyo to deny a samurai who has just been so honored by an Ikoma). The one major restriction to this is that the Ikoma may never increase a samurai's Glory to a Rank higher than twice his own (i.e. if the Ikoma's Glory is 2.4, the samurai may not rise above 4.8 as a result of this ability). The Ikoma, for his part, gains a like number of Honor Points and, without GM intervention, a Major Ally in the samurai honored.
Finally, Omoidasu do not lose Honor or Glory for losing face (expressing emotion) in public. They are the heart of the Lion, and their duty is to express what others cannot.