Bayushi Saboteur School: Bayushi Saboteurs

Reprinted w/out permission from L5R RPG, 2nd Ed.

Benefit: +1 Intelligence

Beginning Honor: 1 + 5 boxes



(All items are of average quality)

arrows (20 any type), bow, katana, wakizashi, light armor, kimono, traveling pack, any one weapon, lockpicks, 2 koku


Acting, Engineering, Explosives, Locksmith, Poison, Stealth, any Low or Bugei skill


Students of Bayushi Kyono, the saboteurs are now among the most important Scorpion operatives, wreaking the vengeance of the Bayushi behind the scenes.


Rank 1


The Saboteur may add his Stealth to his TN to be hit. Also, while operating near a source of large distraction (a conveniently located fire, explosion, avalanche, etc.) the Saboteur keeps all dice on Stealth rolls.

Rank 2


For every ten minutes the Saboteur spends observing a target location, he rolls and keeps an extra die on Stealth, Explosives, Engineering, and any other rolls to infiltrate or destroy what he has observed. He can no gain more dice than his School Rank.

Rank 3


The Saboteur gains the Inner Gift advantage. Specially, he gains a sixth sense about being ambushed. He knows instantly if he is spotted, and from what direction. The character may always roll initiative when he is ambushed.

Rank 4


To the Scorpion, sabotage is not a crime, but erring in the service to your lord behind enemy lines is an inexcuseable offense. The Saboteur may roll twice on all rolls involving stealth and sabotage, keeping the better roll. (This does not include attack rolls.)

Rank 5


Like his bushi brethren, the Saboteur has learned the Scorpion's greatest trick, to lead with the pincers while the tail finds its target. If the Saboteur knows he has been noticed, he may spend a Void Point and make an opposed Stealth/Agility roll vs. the Investigation/Perception of the observer. If the Saboteur is successful, he creates a small distraction and leads the observer to believe that he was imagining things, giving the Saboteur an oppotunity to resume hiding.