Why the hell?


It started here, one boring night in long-ago 2000. And it got worse. Believe it or not, none of us indulged in any sort of mind-altering chemicals. And this still happened.

Where it all began

So, one may be wondering, why the hell does Jen have her hair in a braid on the right, and a ponytail on the left? The answer is simple - two bored male roommates. They managed to not pull my hair too much. As to why the below picture is upside down... well, it got taken that way, and I rather like it for some reason.

Upside down

This is Jeff's handiwork...

The left side...

While this is Richard's (along with a crazy gleam in my eye)...

The right side

This 10-minute exploit inspired me, for some reason that is rather unfathomable now, to put both sides of my hair up in pigtails :

The pigtails

And that's where things got scary. Jeff started it, to be accurate, but Richard and I continued it. Jeff mumbled about needing a plaid skirt and knee-high socks to dress me up in, which made us all laugh until I mentioned that some of Richard's boxers would look skirt-ish on me. Jeff started clapping and jumping up and down, and these are what resulted. They're terrible pictures, and normally I'd have them supressed for the good of humanity; yet they're so amusing that I simply have to have them somewhere. If I'm going to be humiliated on the internet, it will be my own doing!

My head needs to be chopped off Coming down the stairs