Philip Reid, you da man.

(Spring Quarter 2001)

All of these were scribbled down on the fly during my Statistical Mechanics lecture—now to be a testament for all time to the glorious Philip Reid, he who miraculously kept me awake, alert, and interested in integrals at 9:30 in the mornings this quarter.

Concerning his lab:

... and don't go behind the black curtains; that's where certain death ensues.

Concerning Ludwig Boltzmann of the Boltmann constant:

Boltzmann—killed himself because they thought of him as a kook... a bright kook, but one that had clearly missed the boat. He woulda hung around another twenty-three years at least had quantum mechanics been in vogue.
Think about Boltzmann, who had to kill himself to get his own constant. Then Michaelis does a substitution and gets one. Think that's fair? I don't think so.

Concerning math:

It looks formidable, but the integral is your friend.
If you can't get the differential rate expression, guys... you're dead in the water.
If something doesn't cancel, then something's gone awry.

Concerning joules:

Joules are gone; I hate the joules!
Gotta give up on the joule.

Concerning entropy:

... so, from this day forth, if someone asks you "what's entropy?" and you respond "disorder," I'm going to find you, and slap you.

Concerning equilibrium:

Smack the system and make it do what you want it to!

Concerning Eastern Washington:

There's enough carbon-tet in the ground over there to give everyone in Washington a cup. Mm mm.